While the fact is that many of us now days do not know how to give a decent massage, it does not take much effort to give the gift of a good foot massage. After a long hard day of working on your feet, or even perhaps just a long day of mischief a foot rub can always hit the spot. Lets face it! If you were ignored, stuck in a large cotton enclosure incased in a year old leather and rubber composition all day you know you want some attention.
Ok. All kidding aside, lets dig into exactly what a foot massage is. The foot massage is usually connected with the idea of reflexology, which is a form of therapy that focuses pressure to the reflex points in the body in order to treat aches, pains, and discomforts. Yet, a good foot massage is in itself different than foot reflexology. Through reflexology you can help treat aches and pains at random. However, a good foot massage focuses much more specifically. Its goal is to relieve the tired foots discomfort and allow the receiver the ability to walk away feeling brand new.
A good foot massage requires more than just a good set of strong hands. To give a good foot massage you will need a few big towels and some foot...