Telecommuting can be explained as working from home, instead of working in the office with the aid of the computer and connectivity is made possible through communication devices like the telephone, fax or Internet. Gone are the days spending hours traveling from home to the work place, taking leave for doing personal work etc. Telecommuters save time, energy and money unnecessarily spent on traveling to the office from his house. Telecommuting offers lot of benefits for both the company and the employee (the telecommuter).
Advantages for the employer due to telecommuting:
The overhead expenses involved in running the office is minimized to a greater extent, as they will have to spend only lesser amounts towards electricity charges, minimum car parking facility, smaller work space which in turn reduces the rent of the office building, less number of computers in the work place, etc. The employer also benefits by not having to spend on a manager or supervisor to monitor the employees. The ultimate aim of the employer is to get the work done on time and with greater accuracy, which can be got by having weekly meetings with the telecommuters. Also, the...