The law of abundance is the belief that what you need is available to you in unlimited amounts. People who believe that understanding this law is the key to happiness believe that thanks to it, theres no limit to the things we can have, if we believe that its so. The universe creates everything in unlimited amounts and you can have as much of it as you want, according to the law of abundance.
Many people try to manifest the law of abundance by writing a check. This act is basically a visualization thats intended to keep your focus on financial prosperity. Positive visualization is when you want something, and you focus on it at the same time believe that its possible.
When you write a check in a prescribed way, and either keep it with you or keep it in a safe place, you are committing an act of faith. You are believing that youre not just wasting a check and doing something silly. Further than that, the act of looking at the check frequently, which you are supposed to do, keeps this belief fresh in your mind.
Some people who urge others to write this check insist that you must write the check by making it out to you, with your full name. You write paid...