Do you feel like youre on a slump lately? Most of the time we want so many things that we dont know which road to take; more often than not we find out that if we put our mind into it we can actually succeed in numerous career choices. This new found realization makes things even more complicated than it already is.
Being able to find out which things we are passionate about is very difficult because we desire a lot of things. When we reach the pinnacle of success we think that we will want nothing more, and yet when we get there things get even murkier and murkier that we eventually loose our sense of self completely.
Just Like Alice
Success is not the basis of finding ones self. Advice is useless, because no matter how many people you talk to if you dont heed what they say then it means nothing. Whats more other peoples opinions are one sided because they do not know the entire situation. Only you have the power because you are the one who experience your life from every degree and angle.
Coaching In A Nutshell
Contrary to popular belief life coaching is not like therapy. Life coaches are not like psychologists either. Life coaches acts as...