Congratulations! Youve spotted a great short story competition and decided to enter. Youve had a go at a few short stories in the past and youve been wanting to tackle a novel for ages, but the idea was way too daunting so youve just shoved that to the bottom of your lifes To Do list. A short story is a much better idea, isnt it? Its just like writing a novel only shorter. Right?
Not exactly!
Its been said that its not that a short story is long, its that it takes a long time to make it short. The idea that a short story is just a mini novel is an idea that will mean certain death to the success of your short story, before youve even written the first sentence.
There is an art, and a process to writing a short story, just like theres an art and a process to writing a novel, a non-fiction book or an essay. Success is a matter of knowing the basic principles, and then applying these to write the best short story youre capable of.
The question is, do you have the stamina to make your story short?
That question is easily answered by walking step by step through the writing process.
1. Planning
No matter what you are writing, you need...