Bank car loans are regulated. This is the most important fact that you will ever take from this article. This is to say that the interest rate charged for the vehicle loan can only be so much annually and no more. This is not to say that banks will give you 100% on the value of the loan on a new or used car. Banks maintain extremely fair and precise actuarial tables and books listing the fair value of both brand new and used vehicles. They obtain the best market value and provide you financing for approximately 66% of the automobile’s cost to you, the buyer in the best cases. Their loan operations are excellent because they have the best information in the automobile industry. They have the certified blue books, which show the appraised value of every model of car made in the world. They also keep a close association with all the automobile dealers in town, throughout the state and sometimes out-of-state whenever Interstate commerce laws allow it.
Therefore your local bank has the best information on all the best bargains in used and new cars. It is certain that you won’t have to worry about getting a good deal if you have a good credit report. This insures...