Whenever I teach a class on Internet marketing, it’s inevitable that the term “keyword” comes up. Keywords tend to confuse people, mostly because there are numerous ways of figuring them out; not all of them are correct. Let me explain.
When we think of keywords related to our topic, we often go to “root” keywords or, in layman’s terms: the first word that pops into our mind. For example, if someone were to say: “Give me a keyword for books” you might say: “publishing.” That’s a root keyword. It may seem like the right word to you, but it may not be a word that your reader or customer is searching on. Therein lies the key. You want to find relevant keywords in your market that people are actually searching for. Another example of this is the word: auto loan. If you’ve written a book on saving money you may think that drawing attention to your chapter on getting the best auto loan is a great idea. But what if your consumer searches on the term: car loan instead? Your keyword (auto loan) will go unnoticed.
There are some commonalities in keywords; for example, the best keywords have a strong...