Low interest rate credit cards are useful for those who carry their credit card balance forward every month. However, not all applicants for a low interest rate credit card actually manage to acquire one. The reason for this is that these cards require a good to excellent credit rating, which precludes many potential cardholders.
There is sufficient information available online for an individual looking out for a low interest rate credit card; these cards are advertised aggressively. The average rate of interest with a low interest rate credit card is around 9%; it can go down to 5.5% for individuals with exceptional credit scores. Individuals with poor credit scores can negotiate with credit card companies for a deal that suits their requirement — the company may agree if the individual has had a steady income for the past few months and is likely to continue earning in the future.
Companies that offer low interest rate cards try to compensate for the low rates in various ways; these include an annual fee which may be up to $60. The actual rate of interest can be much higher than stated when the annual fee is considered; one should try and obtain a card...