Imagine what the world would be like in the coming years if the current rate of deforestation runs at 15 hectares annually? In a matter of 30 years, all the untouched areas of Earth can turn into a barren wasteland. In just a snap, all could possibly lead to the deaths of both species and humans alike. Thus, people should take action in order to bring deforestation to a stop.
All the causes of deforestation have high probabilities of getting solved. It only takes patience and discipline to finally make the problem come to an end. Although the road to total closure of deforestation is quite twisted and rough, there would certainly be ways to deal with it if all people in the world are willing to take part in solving the problem.
The Top Five Causes of Deforestation
Every part of the world has varying causes of deforestation; but the top five causes known to afflict all earth are: human made calamities, illegal logging, industrialization, conversion of forests to agricultural landmarks, and oil exploitation. All seem to be stoppable, but it is still a question why the roots of deforestation could never be cut.
Human made calamities such as fire...