A credit score is not the amount of purchase that you incurred with your credit card and neither does the term refer to the points that you save for every purchase that you make with the credit card. This is not the meaning of a credit score.
Although it does involve credit per se, it does not only refer to credit cards but to credit in general, or in more common terms, a loan. A credit score is the numerical product of your credit history, from the loans that you incurred in college to the purchases that you make with your credit card. All are being recorded and filed under one credit history that can come back and hunt you if you are not careful.
A credit score is used by banks and lending companies to make decisions on your loan applications. With a not so good credit score, you may get rejected for a loan or if you are lucky will be given a fraction of the amount that you are asking, for a higher interest rate and a shorter payment period.
A credit score, you see, determines whether a person is reliable enough to be given the money to as a loan. For although, they will be earning from you through the interest rates that they put on the loan, banks and...