Getting from There to Here
You have spent a lot of time creating an online presence. You have virus protection and maybe a firewall to protect the security of your system, you have located a web host to manage your online presence, then you define the direction of your site and work at developing a look that is appealing and a format that is easy to navigate.
You might think that after all this planning and preparation your work would be done, right? Well if youre selling goods or services, you need customers. If you have a brick and mortar store then you may already have valued customers, but the ease of use in online shopping makes a global market an attractive addition to an already successful enterprise.
You may submit your site information to search engines and participate in a variety of link exchange programs, but it still might not be enough.
Many online businesses purchase a series of advertisements on amenable sites. Those advertisements drive additional customers to affiliated sites which makes online advertising so valuable.
Advertising: Where Did it Go?
What happens if you spend advertising dollars that provide no...