The Most Important Parts Of Any Book For Speed Reading
As we are reading a book we are often tempted to skip ahead to find out what happens next. Its much like watching a movie and wanting to fast forward to the scene where the mystery is solved. Its human nature to be impatient sometimes and although this might not sit well if youre telling someone the ending of a movie they have yet to see, it does work well when it comes to speed reading.
One of the most important aspects of speed reading is retaining the information. It may seem as though you would automatically soak up whatever it is you are reading, but when you are reading at an accelerated rate, this isnt always the case. There is an approach to speed reading that will help you take as much away from the material as you can.
When we begin reading a book we are usually paying extra close attention. We read each word in order to set the stage for the information that will follow. The same idea works with speed reading. As you read the first chapter carefully you are implanting the main ideas of the book in your mind. This sets the stage for the middle of the book, which you can now read quickly...