The number of people taking out personal loans has risen dramatically over the last ten or fifteen years, but what are the reasons for this? In this article we’ll look at the main uses of the loans that we take out.
Debt Consolidation
This is possibly the biggest single reason people take out a personal loan, with billions being lent to help people sort out their finances. The basic idea is to take out one single loan that you use to pay off all your other debts, leaving you with just one repayment to make. Not only does this make your financial life simpler and more easily managed, but if done properly the result should be that your debt is costing you less overall to service each month.
New Car
Although there are many different kinds of auto finance available, from basic car loans to vehicle plus finance packages, many of these deals work out to be quite expensive, and are often suited to people with poorer credit ratings. A normal personal loan, with a lower interest rate and less restrictions, can be a better option for funding a vehicle purchase for many people. The key benefit is that you’re free to spend the loan amount on any car...