When a tenth class reunion is observed there are often those who will leave the event feeling as if nothing has changed. The cheerleaders are still catty and the jocks still think they are NFL material. Many of the same petty attitudes seem to come up and so many seem intent on attempting to impress others about their success and achievements.
By the time the twentieth reunion is celebrated many individuals are interested in talking about their children and the successes their offspring have achieved. Time has mellowed most, but there may still be a few intent on reliving glory days that will not come again in the same way their memory has led hem to believe.
When thirty years have passed most attending reunions are able to recall high school with a general fondness that erases many class differences and encourages class members to band together in the recollection of what was good about a past that bears no resemblance to the present. Gone are the jocks and the cheerleaders as a preferred class. What is left is a collection of humanity that pines for a life left behind and celebrates that present because a new generation is firmly established in the offspring of...