While working out, a lot of exercisers tend to skip one of the most important parts of the workout. Though exercisers usually perform warm-ups, a lot of them neglect the cool down phase dismissing it as unimportant and a waste of time. Health experts however believe that it is crucial that exercisers should start with a warm-up and end with a cool-down. Failure to do so may cause injuries and other health ailments.
Warming-up before an intense workout is crucial because it prepares the heart and the circulatory system. At the start of the workout or physical activity, blood flow may not be immediately available from the heart to the muscles. Irregular blood flow may hamper performance because of poor coronary circulation. Coronary circulation is the flow of blood in the blood vessels that supply blood to and from the heart itself. A good warm-up session may increase the blood flow to the muscles, boost body temperature, and speed up metabolism.
Cooling-down on the other hand is as important as the warming up because it promotes effective recovery from physical activity after an intense workout. During exercise, the body undergoes several stages of stress where...