Parents, educators and legislators want to give students the highest-quality educational foundation possible and today’s career and technical education programs can play a key role in assuring educational excellence for many students.
Career and technical courses give students the opportunity to explore different career paths, to find out if the jobs involved are appealing and to discover which opportunities are best suited to their individual talents.
The Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) wants to ensure that students and their parents are aware of the value of career and technical programs.
These programs can be a student’s first exposure to the real-world aspects of a career field. They allow a student to build the strong skills that every employer considers essential: the ability to communicate well, an understanding of time management and promptness, problem-solving skills, and the ability to function as part of a team.
Careers in hotel management, food service, engineering, biotechnology, agriscience, recreation, nursing, and graphic design represent challenging, high-paying jobs, and the demand for skilled...