The Perfect Cup Of Coffee For Your Taste Buds And Eyes
If you’re not familiar with Vacuum coffee makers then a written description of how they work may have you a little lost. How ever, to those that own or use vacuum coffee brewers you know what a great cup they make, and what a joy they are to watch.
If you’re a fan of using a French Press to brew your coffee each day, then you’ll love the coffee made in a Vacuum maker. It works on a similar principle of boiling water flowing over freshly ground coffee beans then filtering the grounds out of the water leaving behind a wonderful tasting and smelling cup of coffee.
There’s something to be said when a paper filter isn’t used with coffee grounds, it allows all the acids and aromas from the beans to transfer into the water and create a very special tasting cup of coffee. One that can’t really be compared to what your regular drip coffee maker makes.
So how does a Vacuum coffee maker work?
Well unlike some of my friends who thought a vacuum coffee maker was a combo vacuum coffee brewing machine it’s actually quite a small glass or sometimes plastic...