The table below includes recommendations for pre-flop betting in low-mid limit Hold’em. This chart was created to assist new poker players, and attempts to illustrate (1) A list of 47 playable starting hands, (2) Groupings by stoplight colors (green-yellow-red), (3) How suited and non-suited hands compare, (4) Which hands you should fold by position, (5) Which hands you should call by position up to a certain number of BBs, (6) Which hands you should raise with, (7) How high you should call if someone raises behind you, and (8) How you should play the hands in heads up play (either in SB or BB). This is a lot of information for a small chart designed to be printed on the back of a business card or poster
Colors – The colors are from a stop light, shades of green, yellow and red. Any card combination not shown on this chart should not be played unless you are stealing blinds from weak players, etc.. Raising more than these recommendations would be called semi-bluffing. The grid in the lower right suggests what you should do, raise or call a certain number of Big Blinds.
Early, Mid & Late Position – This chart shows betting by position...