It is very tempting to try that fad diet that you have found in the latest magazine that promises the world with fantastic fat losses without doing a thing. Just take a couple of fat burning pills follow the diet and then bang! A brand new you in a couple of weeks.
The sad fact is they do not work, they just provide more suffering in your efforts to lose weight, the only thing you lose is your hard earned money.
Firstly we will look at the latest fad diets on the scene at the moment, their pros and cons and then you will be shown how to save your time, money and unnecessary suffering by pointing you in the right direction for permanent weight loss.
The latest studies show that 90 per cent of fad dieters regained everything they had lost and even gained more within eighteen months.
The Atkins Diet.
The body burns carbohydrates and then fat for energy. This diet recommends limiting the intake of starchy, high carb foods so that the fat is burned first. So by eating meat, cheese and eggs and keeping bread and potatoes to a minimum, fat is lost.
Pros: Steak with cheese topping, Chocolate mocha ice cream and pork scratchings....