These days payday loans have become extremely popular and in fact, it would seem that everywhere you turn there is an offer for a payday loan to get you the extra money you need until the next payday. Are payday loans really a good idea; however? Sure, they can help you out when you are in a tight spot financially but there are several serious factors that need to be considered before you actually take out such a loan.
First, lets take a look at how payday loans work. Usually the lender will agree to lend you a specified amount of money for a certain period of time. For example, lets say you needed $200 to cover some unexpected expenses. You would borrow the $200 and write out a postdated check for two weeks hence to cover the amount of the loan plus the finance fee, which would be around $60 for this size loan. So, in two weeks the lender expects to be able to cash that check for $260 to recoup the loan extended to you.
Before taking out the loan, it is extremely important to ask yourself whether you will really be able to afford to pay back the loan when it comes due. Most payday loans are made on a two week to four week basis. In the event that you cant pay...