You have seen those ads on TV. Companies specializing in bad credit debt consolidation. These companies claim that they can help you consolidate your debt in spite of your bad credit, no matter how much debt you have or how far behind you are. Yep, they claim to have the magic answers to your financial problems. After they’re done with you, you’ll be left with, ” just one easy monthly payment!”
There are some companies who legitimately want to help people with bad credit consolidate their debt. These companies usually charge a reasonable up-front fee, avoid making extravagant claims and will offer professional references upon request.
Then there is the “other” type of bad credit consolidation company. These types of companies will prey upon your fears and offer you hope that somewhere out there lies and easy solution to your problems. That bad news is, the latter type of bad credit debt consolidation companies is far more common than the former.
Debt Consolidation Companies: What Exactly Do They Do?
Basically, what a bad credit consolidation company does is that it acts as your mediator. They talk to your creditors...