When the average student leaves college, he or she is in credit card debt for about twenty two hundred dollars. This article will give you a quick technique to work on the reduction of the average student credit card debt.
Most Americans have a plethora of credit cards in their wallet and each of these different credit cards has a different rate, different balance, different available credit limit, and different terms. It is very hard to keep all of these figures straight so grab a piece of paper and a pencil. You are going to create several columns to track all of the information that you need. Set up several rows on the piece of paper and write down the name of each of the credit cards which you currently possess. For columns, use the following categories: your current balance, your available credit limit, your interest rate, any balance transfer fees, monthly minimum payment and your payment due dates.
Putting down this information will allow you to see all of your credit card debt in one central location and will allow you to see the big picture. It can give you a sense of how much debt you have along with what your total monthly payments are. You will want...