We believe that the role of the psychologist in relation to the Ethics would be linked to these questions:
— Are ceases to be human because they psychologist? — What should I do with what I transferencialmente produces a therapeutic intervention? — How is structured properly or from an ethical point of view the technical knowledge, the knowledge that we have with the power that goes with it in a therapeutic link? — How to correctly use the information we have to make a good practice? — Can you solve a problem or another is enabled an area generating tools that allow appropriating their situation and have the freedom to choose a way forward? — Are alienates more than what they were alienated? Is it comes to “adapt” to a reality? — How the psychologist serving in any intervention inevitably being crossed by a sociocultural context? — What framework and model of society is ripe for an operating ethics of psychologist? Is there an appropriate legal framework that guarantees a good speech, or good practice for the psychologists at the national level? — And finally this question posed by Gilles Deleuze:...