Credit cards that have some sort of rewards offer comprise the majority of all cards available to individual consumers and small businesses. This is for two reasons, the first of which being that, while reward offering credit cards were once a category all their own, rewards are now a feature put on just about every other type of card you can think of. The second reason is because reward offers made credit cards popular. The concept behind the credit card is a little depressing when looked at it alone, you pay for things even if you don’t have the money, and a bank charges you extra for it. Reward offers tip the balance a little more towards the consumer and make the idea of a credit card more palatable.
There is probably a reward offering card for any interest you could have. Airline miles, hotel points, cash, gas discounts, book discounts, movie discounts, theme park discounts, Internet website discounts represent just a fraction of the rewards available. Even if you can’t find a particular card that suits your fancy, there are general reward offers from issuing companies that permit you to use rebates and discounts at their merchant and retail partners....