From an anonymous career of internet marketing success, the Rich Jerk has built an affiliate marketing empire, based entirely around the sales and promotion of the all powerful Rich Jerk E-Book.
He has revolutionized the “make tons of quick money on the internet” scene with such marvelously orchestrated precision, that his ebook sales are pushing the Rich Jerk to new horizons of mass wealth, throwing himself into the world of the wealthy and privileged.
Although it hasn’t been a ruff road for the Rich Jerk recently, there are some key elements he has developed that directly lead to his powerful presence and success on the web.
In terms of marketing, his approach to “selling” his e-book can teach all but the most experienced internet marketing guru’s a great deal about how people will react to his sometimes “rude and crude” sales pitch approach.
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1) The Rich Jerk, either by his own incredible design, or by sheer luck, has waited to unveil his “internet marketing secrets” until the most precise moment, when he knew a “hostile take over” would be more than...