The Ride Of Their Life – The Grand Canyon Mule Experience – (part 2 – The 2 Day Trip)
Indian Garden is where the riders who are overnighting at Phantom Ranch separate from the day riders and embark on their own private adventure. Although they have now come half the distance from the South Rim to Phantom Ranch, a quick look back up at the rim will verifiy that they have descended two thirds of the total altitude change from the mule corral to the canyon bottom. Most of them will take more than a quick look, however, because from Indian Garden it is difficult to see how that canyon wall could possibly be traveled. But they did it, and they will all feel some degree of pride in their accomplishment. The hard part is over.
The gently sloping trail now follows Garden Creek as it wanders down its narrow channel toward the canyon bottom. It is picture postcard beautiful. The cottonwood and willow trees, the lush riparian vegetation, and the peaceful sound of crystal clear flowing water give them the feeling that a new world has been entered. Considering themselves advanced beyond novice rider status by now, they are secure and comfortable in the saddle...