The first use of decoys as a means of attracting ducks and geese is credited to the North American Aboriginal Indians who used crude decoys to help lure birds within net or spear range. The earliest confirmed decoys, found in a Nevada cave, date back to more than 2000 years ago. Speculation though among archeologists suggests that decoys may have been used as many as 8,000 years ago prior to that.
While the materials and manufacturing methods have changed and evolved considerably in last couple of millennia, the concepts of duck and bird decoys have changed little. And the modern duck decoys and other waterfowl hunting decoys are every bit as effective today as they were when a bird in the bag was a matter of survival in the bush and rugged outdoors.
Generally the more decoys deployed when decoying ducks and other waterfowl in big water. Six or eight dozen blocks are not too many by any means. In potholes however, when hunting for waterfowl such as ducks or Canada Geese it is better to seldom use more a dozen decoys. When hunting goose in the field it is best to reduce the size of the spread as the water bird hunting season progresses. Educated geese will...