The right food to build muscle mass is absolutely necessary to allow you to get the maximum benefit from your gym work. Every bodybuilder needs to understand that taking in a large number of calories will not get the job done unless the correct nutrients are present in the food. Here we show you the right food to build muscle mass.
Lesson 1
The right food to build muscle mass needs to be rich in protein. Among the bodybuilder’s perennial favorites are tuna and chicken, good choices because they contain ample protein. Red meat and other similar proteins have lost ground in popularity due to their higher quantities of fat. Protein is the most essential nutrient of all for a bodybuilder, as without it the muscles cannot even grow.
Lesson 2
Although fat has a very bad reputation as a contributory factor in degenerative disease, which is for the most part well deserved, small quantities of fat are actually necessary and beneficial. Fat is part of the right food to build muscle, and not enough fat in the diet will hamper your bodybuilding efforts. Current estimates are that around 20% of you calorific intake needs to be made up of fats. This is a...