f you are on the prowl for someone or some organization to design or redesign you or your organization’s website, it may be both comforting and daunting to know that your choice of designers is at an all time high. From freelancers to marketing firms and everything in between, there are thousands of people ready to sell you their skills. The question is not where to look, but how to choose the right web designer for you.
There are two major factors that you will want to take into account when selecting the right web designer for the job; namely your needs and their organizational structure and skills. If you have not done so already, take a moment to write down why it is, specifically, you want a website; what will you want it to do? What is your niche? What is your market? Who are your competitors, and how are they attempting to tap into that niche? Do you have a particular brand or image you wish to associate with your products or services? It is best to have firm (though not closed) answers to these questions before approaching a designer. If you know what you want, it is much easier to determine if a particular web designer or web design agency can and will...