Over the years, numerous wine styles have been promoted as the ideal fro all occasions. Earlier it began with the sparkling pearl wines and later on came Mateus Rose. During the early days white wines were drunk with anything and everything. While it is certainly true that, in general, white wines will compliment a wider range of food and climatic conditions than the red wines, it is equally true that in certain situations some wines work better than the others.
For example, a light aromatic Rhine Riesling can be very attractive drink on its own, but it can become almost tasteless when forced to confront a heavily seasoned dish. Similarly, one of the new breed of wood matured white wines can be a marvellous combination with a dish such as veal in a spicy sauce or pasta where that cleansing astringency from the oak can help to cut back the richness of the dish. But served alone or with a delicate sea food, it can overpower the taste buds and leave your palate crying out for something more gentle.
Rose, that much-maligned wine, is still closer than almost any other wine style to being the drink for all seasons. Served slightly chilled, it can embrace a whole gamut...