The rope hammock can be very deceiving, while it looks uncomfortable and at time even a little dangerous, it is one of the most popular hammocks today, it seems that most people do not think like me, and prefer to have a rope hammock in their back yard as a way to spend lazy afternoons, or just to take a nap outdoors in their own backyard hammock.
It is almost impossible to talk about hammocks without brining up the famous Pawleys Island hammocks, it has been said that many past celebrities and even some presidents have had these hammocks in their backyard, and probably enjoyed it as much as people do today. Because the material is used is rope you will find different degrees of craftsmanship in researching a right hammock for you, this will not be a problem at Pawleys, since they prime themselves on having the most skilled native craftsman working a needle of rope in and out of the hammock body, creating symmetric patterns and lending a touch of art to the unique and interesting craft.
The fact that so many choose the rope hammock is an indication that many like to spend time on the hammock when they are not dressed fully, or in a bathing suit, since it has been...