The single biggest improvement in the history of the computer could be the development of the first microprocessor. This little chip allows a mind boggling amount of processing power to be packed into a very small space. Space is one of the biggest limiting factors in actually assembling a computer at a reasonable price. By being able to pack more and more processing power into a smaller area, the strength of modern computing is able to expand exponentially through advanced chip development.
The first microprocessor chip was invented by Intel back in November of 1971. This little chip was crucial to new development. Integrated circuit technology had opened the door for advanced computing that was only limited by the amount of chips that could put together.
This chip, the 4004, made the crucial development step of managing to pack all of the computer’s “brain” into one part. This small microprocessor contained the full power of the central processing unit while also providing for the computer’s basic memory and the control methods for incoming and outgoing data. This progress was simply amazing when one considers that the company was just...