In order to be effective, fitness training must be well assimilated and personalized. The process of learning and mastering the exercises properly takes a lot of time. Many of the movements must be practiced until they become automatisms; this way, the focus will be on the muscles that are worked out and on intensity of practice, rather than on the execution technique. But this routine of training has also some disadvantages.
One of them is monotony the exercises get to be really boring for the practitioners. On the other hand, at least 4-6 weeks are necessary for checking and proving the potential of training, developing, losing weight, etc. that a program might have. A shorter period of time will not be enough for drawing relevant conclusions on the effectiveness of the program. Thus, a certain psychological resistance to monotony is necessary from the very beginning.
Another disadvantage of routine is the fact that the muscles act under the principle of economy of effort. This means that, soon after starting the program, they do not react to the stimulus with the same effectiveness as in the beginning. A state of limitation intervenes, when, in spite of the...