What does happiness mean to you? Theres a lot of searching going on these days for the elusive emotion of being happy –where do you find it, how do you create it, even what it actually is.
But Id like to share a little secret with you — happiness is not just for a lucky few who were born with it.
You see, happiness is not something you can reach out and touch or put in the refrigerator and take a sip when you need it. Happiness is not found on a beach in Hawaii (really!) or in a perfect body. Its not even in that perfect relationship that Tom Cruise tries to sell us in the movies.
Yet from the images bombarding you every day, its easy to make the mistake that happiness will arrive on your doorstep when you have the latest car, the best clothes, a fancy home, isnt it? Its easy to get caught in the trap of thinking that if you could just find the right person, theyd arrive with a box of happiness attached to his/her hip. But all this does is convince you that happiness is something to be found outside of yourself.
And thats where you get off track. Because the secret is that happiness is simply a by-product of creating and...