If you know the smart way to purchase your gas you can save a considerable amount of money. The following strategies could save you 4 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent or even 14 percent of your gas costs.
In this article you will learn the secret to using two strategies that together should provide you with a significant discount on your gas costs.
There are a number of alternatives that will result in savings. Among the best is the use of credit cards that offer rebates. By using the right cards you can lower your costs without having to change your driving habits or do any special maintanance on your car.
Many gas companies offer credit cards that pay rebates on gas purchases. The typical card will rebate you 10% on your gas purchases for the first two or three months and then rebate you 5% on your gas purchases thereafter.
For example currently Hess Oil has a credit card that will pay 10% for the first 60 days for Hess gas purchases and 5% for Hess gas purchases after 60 days.
Marathon Oil has the same 10% for 60 days 5% thereafter program. Speedway has an 8% for 60 days and 4% thereafter credit card program. All these cards also offer...