The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water , Take The Boat ( Part 34 )
Youll be healthy not by disliking sickness, but by loving health.Treat your body with respect and love. Its the vehicle for your consciousness while youre on earth.Its also made to provide you with pleasure. Looking at a beautiful sun-set, tasting a delicious meal, hearing musical sounds, touching and so forth, these can be very pleasurable sensations for your body. You built it. I only designed it and provided the blueprint.
God relaxed for a moment and took another bite of the plum.Plums are good, He said. Fruits and vegetables are good. There are herbs that are beneficial for specific bodily ailments. The ancient civilizations knew a lot about these things. Theres much to be learned from what was handed down to you. But in your present century, theres not much respect for ancient wisdom. Scientific data and analysis are fine up to a point, but they provide incomplete answers. Combining ancient wisdom and knowledge with new discoveries will always be more beneficial in the long run.
My mind was racing. This was extremely important and valuable information. It was time I thought, to...