The Secret – When You Can Walk On Water, Take The Boat ( Part 1 )
It was evening time. Not completely dark, but with traces of the day still remaining.Everyone had left the office and I was there all alone completing the few tasks that remain at the end of any day. It is not my nature to work late, but today was somewhat different.Mixed with a feeling of accom- plishment was the frustrationand disappointment of not having completed all I would have liked to do.
My office was at the end of the building, overlooking the parking lot. The lot was empty save for my little car, which appeared to be waiting so patiently. Always it seemed to be waiting for me, never complaining, always nearby. Time to leave, I thought. I’m already late. If there’s one consola- tion, it was that there wouldn’t be any traffic at this hour.
Glancing through the window as I reached for my atta- ch case, I noticed a blue car a few spaces removed from mine. The hood was raised and it seemed as if someone was trying to fix something. It wasn’t unusual for cars to limp into our parking lot with some problem or other. I descended the stairs to the main door,...