The Secret – When You Walk Can On Water, Take The Boat (Part 3)
One of your problems, John, is that you hurry too much. Yesterday in the parking lot, you were in a rush. Today at lunch, youre in a hurry again. Take some time to enjoy life. Everyone has the same measure of time, you know. Twentyfour hours a day. Its what you do with your time thats im- portant.
I really didnt think I needed to be preached to today, but I wanted to be as polite as possible. Its easy for you to say, I replied, I have responsibilities, you know. A business to runthings to do. Sometimes the burden of it all gets to me.
Only if you let it. And everyone has responsibilities.
Do you know that the word responsibility could mean ability to respond? Do you have a business to run or do you have a business that runs you?
For someone I was meeting for only the second time, he certainly had a lot of opinions about me. A good philo- sophical discussion, however, always brightens my day and besides, there was some truth in what he had said.You seem to have things nice and easy, I quipped. Where do you work and what do you do, anyway?
A strange look came over those...