The Shocking Truth Credit Card Companies Are Afraid To Tell You.
Credit cards are an easy way to immediate gratification to spend and buy with money you dont have and it often forces many to run into debt and even bankruptcy. It is therefore crucial to weigh the pros and cons before filling out any old application for a credit card which I receive almost daily in my mail LOL (:–).
There are several factors which should be considered before applying Ive tried to outline them below but please keep in mind this is a short list to serve as a guideline only:
1. Every time when you apply for credit of any kind or a credit card, a mark is made against your credit rating. The available credit on the card you have is applied to your overall debt ratio even if you dont have a single dollar balance on it !! Can you believe that !
2. Some credit cards give points when you purchase nearly anything. These points can be used for further shopping and other great bonuses, Air Miles for example. Hence, if youre a frequent flyer you should look for credit cards that offer rewards that will be a benefit to you. The points earned by you come in handy for future...