One of the tales parents recite to their children in order to inform them about the dangers the sea hides, I had the pleasure of experience when I was an adolescent and not yet a firm believer that the most beloved part of my country, its sea, could really cause me or my family any harm. Not that I was coming from a family of sailors or that my father was a captain of a big ship or anything like that, but mainly because both of my parents were considering themselves to be seekers, travelers of the shore and the unknown dark blue waters. Especially my father, who used to be a very experienced scuba diver was always eager to give us a “sea lesson” while we were sailing with our small, but very loved, fishing boat.
The summer that I was about to turn fifteen and my brother was almost twelve, my father decided that we have enjoyed the island’s shores long enough and we were ready to receive our first practical sea lesson. We boarded our small fishing boat and after following my father’s expert advice, we begun our trip into the unknown clear blue sea. Our goal was to visit another small island, not far away from the one we lived during our summer...