Theres a trend happening in the world today that has spawned everything from reality television shows to lengthy books the art of redecorating. Suddenly an old couch needs a new cover; walls need painting; and floors need stripping. And along with this sudden influx of style comes the inevitable attention turning to kitchenware. Because in the way of updating your kitchen giving it a fresh, hip look without breaking the bank, its easier and more cost affordable to replace the dishes rather than the cabinets!
Retro style has become something of a trend as of late. And theres no better way to infuse some retro style into your kitchen than with the addition of restaurant glassware. The cost benefits are obvious; restaurant glassware is mass-produced, extremely affordable, and easily available at restaurant supply wholesalers.
But in addition to these benefits, restaurant glassware can provide a whole new look for your kitchen and home. Its simple lines and unadorned designs give restaurant glassware a retro chic. And its neutrality allows for it to fit in with any style of kitchen and table design. Creating a look for a holiday meal or dinner party can be done...