One of the best television shows of its era, or any era, The Simpsons redefined the genre of prime time animation. The blockbuster series filled with eccentric personalities from the town Springfield helped propel the rising FOX network from second-tier to the elite status enjoyed by CBS, NBC, and ABC. Its success opened the door for numerous animated series that followed a similar path, including The Family Guy (1999) and King Of The Hill (1997). With some of the best writers in the business, The Simpsons has maintained its consistency as one of the funniest shows on television. And thats quite an accomplishment given the level its excellence it takes to manufacture so many episodes over such a long period of time
The Simpsons (Season 6) DVD features a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere Bart of Darkness in which the Simpson family is enduring the sweltering summer heat without the aid of air conditioning. When Bart and Lisa beg Homer for a pool, he gives in, and all the kids in the neighborhood raid the Simpsons backyard. While jumping into the pool from his tree house, Bart breaks his leg. Alone in his room, he thinks he sees Ned Flanders commit...