We aim to give some insight into the financial and economical cost to society as a direct result of exhaust emissions from Petrol, Diesel and LPG engines. The financial costs are calculated based on city population sizes in the UK, and grams of pollutants emitted per 1000km travelled by each automotive vehicle fuel type. These figures relate directly to the economical costs in terms of health care expenditure. The results show the benefits that alternative fuels can offer to society as a whole, helping to reduce health problems such as Congestive heart failure, Respiratory problems and Bronchitis, which all relate to poor air quality. The report is based on findings from various sources including The Norfolk County Council alternative fuel trials, and the BeTa database report on social costs published by Netcen (AEA).
Automotive fuels are constantly taking blame and criticism from the Government as the main cause of poor air quality conditions in the UK. The levels of harmful gases in the environment are costing society financially, economically and physically. Most people are aware of the damaging effects that exhaust emissions have on air quality conditions, but...