In the movie and book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, Bob Proctor mentions and praises the essay “The Spirit of Opulence” by Thomas Troward. This essay can be read at and is well worth the effort. Troward’s essay defines that to think opulently is to think largely, generously, and liberally. Have a look at the other essays on this site and you will be amazed at the content.
Applying the spirit of opulence to our life cannot but help us to succeed and grow. It is not a matter of collecting things so that we can live in the style of the rich and famous. It is a way of living, including doing business, that will attract opulence. In other words, what we have in our lives is the result of the actions that we take. Living in the spirit of opulence will allow us to think of abundance rather than lack and when we feel abundant, then we feel generous. If we are generous with our knowledge, time, money and other resources, then we will reap the rewards of this.
In business this means that we want to think of what we can add to the transaction, not what we can take from it. Rather than focusing on making money,...