The Strongest Test Of A Reliable Air Purifier – What is it?
When it comes to selecting an air purifier for your home or office just what are the considerations that matters the most?
It is hard to believe that the air we breathe in daily, especially indoor air, is not fresh. In fact, the EPA has identified that indoor air is some 5 times more polluted than the air outside.
As much as the food we eat determines a lot of our health problems, the air we breathe also plays a dominant part in our health.
That is why we need an air purifier for our home or office.
When we select an air purifier, we need to look at dependable and reliable technology. We would like to have advanced technology that has been tested very stringently, not only in the laboratory but on actual conditions.
Now, what would be very stringent, in fact tough conditions that would really require the best quality air purifier? What is the strongest test of a reliable air purifier?
If you answered, ” The Submarine”, you would have gotten the correct answer.
The air within a submerged submarine needs to be purified, and the technoloqy used in...