The Suntanning Association for Education (SAE) is a trade association meant to uphold the professionalism of the indoor tanning industry. The SAE aims to instruct the people engage in indoor tanning so that they become trained professionals. It will educate tanning bed users so that they will use the indoor tanning technology responsibly and moderately. At the same time, the association will release scientifically-based information about indoor tanning so that it can equalize the biased negative view of using tanning beds.
Members of the SAE are well-informed about the FDA regulations, the potential benefits and risks of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the importance of eye protection and other tanning accessories, the concept of photosensitivity, the proper maintenance of tanning beds and tanning booths, and the ethical management of a tanning center.
Specifically, a trained professional of the SAE will advocate the following practices:
1. Provide the clients of tanning salons a consent form before they use either the bed or the booth. These forms should be carefully read and then signed by each customer.
2. Deny any request made by clients to...