Liquid Crystal display or LCD monitor is a thin and flat device for display. It is made by large number of color or monochromatic pixels which are arrayed in way of a light source or a reflector. It uses very small amount of electric power and hence is used often in battery powered electronic devices. The technology used is very much dissimilar to CRT technology which is used by many desktop monitors. It was used only on notebook computers for a very long time. Only recently they have been offered as an alternative to CRT monitors. They take up very less desk space and are much lighter than the CRT monitors. But they are also quite expensive.
Each pixel of LCD monitor display has a layer of aligned molecules between two electrodes which are transparent and two polarizing filters. Because there is no liquid crystal between the aligned polarizing filters, light which has passed through the first filter will be blocked by the second polarizer. The surface which is in contact with the crystal is treated to align it in particular direction. The direction of alignment is defined by direction of rubbing.
Resolution, in terms of horizontal and vertical size expressed in...