The Top Five Things To Consider Before You Apply For That Credit Card
Credit cards are now fast becoming the best way to pay. Although some merchants and establishments have yet to install credit card machines in their stores, a good majority of department stores and major outlets take plastic. There are several advantages associated with carrying credit cards. You can make emergency purchases easily, as you do not have to look for a working ATM if you suddenly run out of cash at the last minute. You do not need to carry large amounts of cash in your wallet, which can be dangerous if you are traveling abroad and do not have means to access your bank account.
A credit card, however, will also have its disadvantages. It can encourage rather than discourage spending, as it offers the illusion that no money is being spent at all. Although you are not obligated to pay the full amount that you owe the credit card company, what money you have yet to pay will be slapped with a high interest rate, further increasing your debts in the next billing cycle.
If you want to apply for a credit card and enjoy its advantages, take note of the following tips before you...