The Top Ten Characteristics Of The Best Credit Card For You
Credit cards are fast replacing cash as currency, as they offer convenience on purchases. Large amounts of cash can make you susceptible to robbery. An ATM card, on the other hand, may be useless if there is no ATM close by. Credit cards can allow you to make emergency purchases, buy the things that you want, and pay the debt later.
What is the best credit card for you? Before you scout for a credit card to meet your needs and wants, take note of the following characteristics of the best credit card.
1. The best credit card for you will have a credit limit equal to about four times the amount you can afford to pay per month. To determine this, you will need to look at your spending habits, as well as your bank account. Despite the fact that a lower credit limit will impair your freedom to spend, it can also discipline you into better spending habits.
2. The best credit card for you will have cash back guarantee incentives. A cash back incentive simply means that you will be getting about one percent back off your purchases of certain goods or services. Such cash back incentives can be useful...