The Top Ten Things The Illuminati Do That Makes Them Better Than The Rest Of Us.
The idea that there exists a secret cabal of power elite whose soul purpose is world domination has inspired untold numbers to cower in paranoia. If they even exist, this group, often referred to as The Illuminati, are so secretive that they can only be speculated upon. They are rumored to be the most powerful people in the world. Based on these rumors lets see what things these people can teach us about becoming “enlightened”.
Here is my list of the top ten things that the Illuminati do that make them better than the rest of us.
10. They start off rich and powerful.
This is number ten because it’s the least important.
Having a good foundation to start from does make things easier but if you’re smart, have a plan and be flexible, it’s very likely that you can achieve anything. Poet Rob McCuen once said “I was born a poor bastard. All I had to go was up.”
9. They build networks and trust the right people.
You may find that with all the people in the world there are a lot of them who are fun to hang around but few...